Lenten Season


The Lenten season is a period of fasting, repentance, and spiritual reflection observed by Christians in preparation for Easter. It lasts for 40 days, starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. During Lent, Christians often give up certain foods, practices, or habits as a form of sacrifice and to focus on their faith and relationship with God.

Today, Lent takes on a much deeper purpose in my life. It's truly a special time for spiritual growth. No longer do I think of it as only a period of sacrifice and abstinence. It is much more than that. It is also about reflection, repentance and almsgiving. I embrace lent, as it gives me the opportunity to get closer to God. It allows me to prepare for Easter, similar to how Advent prepares us for Christmas.

Lent is the time where I focus on God and make a more concerted effort to put Him first in my life. I spend much time thinking and reflecting on my relationship with God. It's a challenging time where I take a hard look in the mirror and identify where I can make changes – where my walk does not match my talk.





APRIL 12, 2023
